The El Paso Symphony Orchestra’s Tocando  Music Project, in partnership with Carnegie Hall’s WMI, is an after-school program that provides music learning and performing opportunities to elementary and middle school students.

Tocando's mission is to empower children in challenging social and economic conditions to improve their sense of community and opportunity.  Music is used as a vehicle for children to acquire valuable tools of teamwork, self-confidence, leadership, and academic success.

Tocando began in September 2013 at Hart Elementary School in El Segundo Barrio.  Tocando expanded to Guillen Middle School in 17-18, concentrating on schools in the feeder pattern of Bowie High School.  In January 2020 Tocando expanded to Tornillo, Texas with programming at the elementary and intermediate schools.

Collaborations with UTEP creates a pathway to college for students beginning in elementary school and continuing throughout their education careers.

Tocando is supported through the PlayUSA initiative of Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute and a generous grant from the American Orchestras’ Futures Fund, a program of the League of American Orchestras made possible by funding from the Ann & Gordon Getty Foundation.

In addition, Tocando in Tornillo is supported by The Bernstein Family Foundation, El Sistema Greece, the Bonnie and Peter Reagan Fund and many donors through the Go Fund Me page Bring Music to the Children on the US/MEXICO Border.

In 2020, Tocando Music Project was recognized by the Manhattan Institute with the Civil Society Awards for advancing America’s long tradition of civil society through our work to improve and strengthen our community.

Anyone interested in becoming involved with this program should contact the EPSO office at (915) 532-3776 for more information.

Click here to learn more about TOCANDO.


Tocando Music Project